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On-Site Presentations




                                                      ON-SITE TRAINING


There has been a dramatic increase in the establishment of urgent care centers. These facilities are typically staffed by physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants. They offer the convenience of help when people with physical problems need it. There are no appointments necessary and there are significant savings over costly and exhausting emergency room visits. 


But what happens in the case of a patient who is experiencing a mental health problem?


Urgent care centers are generally not staffed by mental health providers. Dr. Lerner offers a concise, two hour interactive on-site training program that empowers urgent care staff to address mental health needs. 


During the earliest phase of a mental health crisis, evaluation and the provision of practical information, guidance and support are the standard of care. This timely program offers: 


    •  an interview protocol, 

    •  skill building to assess the potential for danger, and 

    •  practical coping strategies at a time when a patient is 

        suggestible and vulnerable.


Finally, referrals to mental health professionals can have a profound impact on the patient’s ongoing functioning. 


Utilizing new Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) codes for Evaluation and Management (E/M) and new Add On codes, physician and non-physician practitioners can monetize their time while providing urgent mental health care. The cost of this program will be recovered rapidly, leaving urgent care facilities with a significant revenue stream while raising their level of care. 


By addressing mental health needs, we can ease emotional pain, keep people functioning, mitigate ongoing suffering, and restore human stability.




Emotional Wellness

“An Investment in Health & Productivity ... Our People”


The loss of a loved one, an illness, divorce; stressful experiences cost American businesses up to $300 billion a year, owing to health care claims, workers' compensation, absenteeism, employee turnover, productivity losses, and other direct and indirect costs. Mental disorders are now the leading cause of disability in the US and Canada and suicide is the leading cause of injury death of Americans, surpassing automobile accidents (WHO & AJPH).


Dr. Lerner's Emotional Wellness workshops and presentations, and his live SESSIONS with DR. MARK LERNER, inform and inspire diverse organizations and corporations. These timely on-site programs encourage interpersonal communication during challenges and change, and provide attendees with practical strategies to foster emotional wellness and productivity.


Dr. Lerner recently spearheaded a national Emotional Wellness Initiave for 

“Thank you so very much for introducing Walgreens employees to the tools and knowledge necessary to cope with and ultimately overcome challenging life events. Your program was outstanding and is highly recommended to others. Your contribution to employees and ultimately the organization was so greatly appreciated.”


- Erin Doyle

  Senior Manager, Training & Development

  Walgreen Co.

Workplace CRISIS

          Be Prepared. Be Responsive.


In the event of a crisis involving a sudden death, a serious illness, an accident, a threat of violence, a criminal act, a public health crisis, a natural disaster or other tragedy, what will you do to keep people functioning?  


During a crisis, people turn to trusted friends and colleagues for support. It’s easier to talk to those we know, members of the organizational family, than “strangers with name tags.” Notwithstanding these caregivers’ efforts, the magnitude of traumatic events often overwhelms individuals and their families, and compromises an organization’s ability to function. Dr. Lerner empowers organizations to develop their own Crisis Management Teams. 

University CRISIS

          Be Prepared. Be Responsive.


With the changing spirit of our time, colleges and universities across our nation have been charged with the responsibility of developing crisis management plans. These plans typically focus on the structure of crisis response—in the aftermath of a tragedy. For example, they address such issues as who will serve as members of the Crisis Response Team? What are the specific roles of team members? And, how will information be shared with the university family?


Although these structured plans have been developed and implemented by many educational institutions, little attention has been given to the process of university crisis response. For example, once students and/or staff have been assembled in a dormitory lounge, library conference room or other supportive/counseling venue, what is done to help them? What is the goal of early intervention? Who is truly prepared to address emergent psychological needs?


Dr. Lerner's university/college crisis workshops and presentations are based on A Practical Guide for University Crisis Response co-authored by Dr. Lerner. These presentations describe the structure and process for effectively managing the wide spectrum of university-based crises—from the seemingly mundane to the most severe. Effective university crisis management cannot be delegated solely to administrators and members of a Crisis Response Team—but to all university personnel.


By reaching our college and university families early, during times of crisis, we can reestablish a productive educational process and prevent the acute difficulties of today from becoming the chronic problems of tomorrow.


          Be Prepared. Be Responsive.


From professional development workshops to Superintendent's Conference days, these on-site dynamic presentations and workshops will empower all members of the school family with practical knowledge and skills to identify and address the immediate needs of troubled students. Dr. Lerner, author of A Practical Guide for Crisis Response in Our Schools, will discuss the impact of traumatic events on individuals and the school community. He will:


  • offer strategies to potentially prevent violent school-based tragedies

  • help educators to identify students who may be at greatest risk and know when to refer to support staff

  • review protocol for managing crisis situations, and  

  • discuss practical strategies for addressing the emergent needs of students during times of crisis.


Being proactive, we can address the needs of vulnerable students early on, keep people functioning, mitigate ongoing emotional suffering and maintain the educational process. 

Acute Traumatic Stress Management 

          A Traumatic Stress Response Protocol for

          Healthcare Providers & Emergency Responders


Today, we are preparing for a crisis. We are developing plans and protocol for addressing the wide spectrum of events that can potentially disable us. We are investing countless hours training and practicing with elaborate equipment and protective gear. Our primary goal ... the stabilization of injury and the preservation of life.


During a crisis, physical and safety needs must be the priority. As we have learned, physical trauma can destroy many lives. However, we have also learned that a "hidden trauma," traumatic stress, can ultimately destroy many more. Traumatic stress refers to the emotional, cognitive, behavioral, physiological and spiritual experience of individuals who are exposed to, or who witness, events that overwhelm their ability to cope. 


The 10 Stages of Acute Traumatic Stress Management


During a crisis, the primary objective is the stabilization of illness and injury and, ultimately, the preservation of life. While physical and safety needs are routinely addressed, many caregivers feel ill-prepared to address emergent psychological needs. Acute Traumatic Stress Management empowers healthcare providers and emergency responders to raise their level of care. 


Following is a brief overview of the 10 Stages of Acute Traumatic Stress Management:


1.  Assess for Danger/Safety for Self and Others

     Are there factors that can compromise your safety or the safety of others?


2.  Consider the Mechanism of Injury

     How did the event physically and perceptually impact the individual?


3.  Evaluate the Level of Responsiveness

     Is the individual alert and responsive? Under the influence of a substance?


4.  Address Medical Needs

      For those who are specifically trained to manage acute medical conditions


5.  Observe & Identify

     Who has been exposed to the event and who is evidencing signs of traumatic      stress?


6.  Connect with the Individual

     Introduce yourself, state your title and/or position. Once he is medically                evaluated, move the individual away from the stressor. Begin to develop              rapport.


7.  Ground the Individual

     Discuss the facts, assure safety if he is, have him “Tell his story.” Discuss                behavioral and physiological responses.


8.  Provide Support

     Be empathic. Communicate a desire to understand the feelings that lie                  behind his words.


9.  Normalize the Response

     Normalize, validate and educate.... “Normal person trying to cope with an            abnormal event.”


10.  Prepare for the Future

       Review the event, bring the person to the present, describe events in the              future and provide referrals.


For additional information regarding
workshops and presentations, please visit
The National Center for Emotional Wellness, Inc.

© 2025 by Lerner Psychological Services, P.C.

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